Caché Istanbul Özr Handwoven Rug Hand Woven Rug

18.090 TL
With 10% wire transfer discount 16.281 TL

1 in stock
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2 Installments
3 Installments
4 Installments
5 Installments
6 Installments
7 Installments
8 Installments
9 Installments

This product can be reserved for 15 days to allow you to make a comfortable decision. The reservation fee will be deducted from the product price upon ordering, and is non-refundable if you decide not to proceed.

10% discount for payments via money order and EFT.

Produced from completely natural and organic goat hair Caché Istanbul Hemp Handwoven Rug Hand Woven RugIt is a very stylish carpet that can be used in decoration. tapestry This piece, which you can also choose as an alternative, is environmentally friendly as it is made of recycled threads. It will create a unity with your wall color and other decoration products. Caché Istanbul Hemp Handwoven Rug Hand Woven Rug, It adds color to your living space. 

Features of Hemp Handwoven Rug Hand Woven Rug

  • It is produced from organic and natural goat hair.
  • Recycled threads made from hemp grass are preferred in its production.  
  • The product is 120x180 cm in size. Different size options are also available. 

Maintenance and Cleaning

  • Hidden Istanbul produced by Caché Istanbul Hemp Handwoven Rug Hand Woven Rug almost all models Professional cleaning is recommended. Professional cleaning/washing can be done 1-2 times a year. 
  • hand woven rug In cleaning, it is beneficial to use soft cleaning materials in a way that will not damage the structure of the carpet. 
  • Detergents with clean content, which do not contain bleach, can be used for individual washing or maintenance operations. 
  • In order not to deform the structure of the product, it is necessary to use cold water during washing. The drying process to be carried out afterward should be done in an area that is not exposed to sun/low vision. 

Halicizade, with its wide range of products Caché Istanbul Hemp Handwoven Rug Hand Woven Rug It is also the most preferred address of the models.

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If you can't decide, send a photo of your home by clicking here and let the expert find the suitable carpet!

How many days will it take for the carpet I ordered to be delivered?

Orders placed before 15:00 are shipped on the same day, and you will receive them within 1-2 business days. We are working with Yurtiçi Kargo to minimize disruptions.

My carpet arrived, it was not what I expected, can I return it?

You can return the carpet that you do not like within 14 days without giving any reason, as long as you do not use it. We process your refund after it is checked on the day it is received by us, and the refund amount will be reflected on your account or card you paid for within a few business days.

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