Caché Istanbul QR Handwoven Rug Hand Woven Rug

19.170 TL
With 10% wire transfer discount 17.253 TL

1 in stock
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9 Installments

This product can be reserved for 15 days to allow you to make a comfortable decision. The reservation fee will be deducted from the product price upon ordering, and is non-refundable if you decide not to proceed.

10% discount for payments via money order and EFT.

Carpets, which are one of the most decorative and striking parts of living spaces, continue to exist from the past to the present and contribute to bringing manual labor into our homes. In this context, Hidden Istanbul QR Handwoven Rug The rug undertakes this function by being designed for those who want to bring together the traces of the past and modern times in their decoration. It can be preferred by those who want to create unity in their home without breaking with tradition. red hand woven rug Carpets take you beyond time. 

Features of QR Handwoven Rug Hand Woven Rug

  • It is woven from natural Anatolian wool.
  • hand woven rug It is produced in Osmaniye.
  • tapestry can be used in the form.
  • The product has dimensions of 120x180 cm. You can also use different size options if you wish.
  • There may be slight differences in colors and patterns compared to the image due to hand-woven.

Maintenance and Cleaning

  • Red color is used predominantly Cache Istanbul Qr Handwoven Rug Hand Woven During the maintenance and cleaning phase of the rug, clean detergents should be preferred.
  • Bleach should not be used.
  • Since hand-woven rugs have a very delicate structure, it is necessary not to apply a harsh cleaning routine. 
  • Hidden Istanbul Contrary to many other machine-made carpets, it is beneficial to use cold water during the cleaning phase for these pieces produced by our company. This is a very important point in terms of keeping the structure of the product intact and keeping the colors vibrant. 
  • In addition, it is useful to get help from professional carpet cleaning companies for detailed cleaning and washing processes. 
  • Brushing should not be done as the structure of the product may be damaged during the cleaning phase.
  • During the drying phase after washing, the rug should be kept in a place out of the sun so that its colors are not damaged.

If you are one of those who prefer an authentic look in decoration, you too Cache Istanbul Qr Handwoven Rug Hand Woven You can have the rug model with one click with Halıcızade.

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I'm having a hard time choosing, what can I do?

If you can't decide, send a photo of your home by clicking here and let the expert find the suitable carpet!

How many days will it take for the carpet I ordered to be delivered?

Orders placed before 15:00 are shipped on the same day, and you will receive them within 1-2 business days. We are working with Yurtiçi Kargo to minimize disruptions.

My carpet arrived, it was not what I expected, can I return it?

You can return the carpet that you do not like within 14 days without giving any reason, as long as you do not use it. We process your refund after it is checked on the day it is received by us, and the refund amount will be reflected on your account or card you paid for within a few business days.

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